Florella is not a healthcare provider.

Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding your physical or mental health or before beginning any new physical or mental health activity. Only a qualified healthcare provider can give advice, diagnoses, and treatments for your specific healthcare needs.

Reiki, ayurveda, and yoga are not substitutes for healthcare.

Reiki, ayurveda, and yoga practitioners do not provide advice, diagnoses, or treatments for physical or mental health conditions. Again, always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for advice, diagnoses, and treatments for your specific medical needs.

Like any physical or mental activity, reiki, ayurveda, and yoga have the potential to cause injury, illness, or impairment.

Florella is not liable for any injury, illness, or impairment resulting from your voluntary use of the content, activities, products, or services provided. Please refer to Florella’s policies for more specific terms, conditions, and disclaimers.

In urgent situations, seek attention from qualified healthcare professionals.

If you have or suspect that you have an urgent health problem, contact a qualified healthcare provider immediately. If you are experiencing a physical emergency, call 911 for help. If you are experiencing a mental crisis, call 1-800-273-TALK for help.