What is et cetera?

Et cetera is, essentially, a fine selection of purple bananas. If you read that sentence and thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, now might be a good time to tune into your music streamer of choice and give Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy” a listen.[1] It’s an inspirational bop about life, afterlife, elevators, and the proverbial purple banana.

OK, dearly beloved, now that we are on the same elevator, let’s punch a higher floor! 

The practices within et cetera are purple bananas in the sense that they help us break away from the mundane.[2] Most of these practices deal in the metaphysical, supernatural, spiritual, mystical, transcendent, ethereal, cosmic, intangible, ineffable. You get the idea. They are woo-woo, and I say that with deep respect. I believe in the woo.

Eventually, et cetera will contain an inventory of practices for:

  • intuition and introspection, to develop understanding of our inner worlds;

  • divination and exploration, to develop understanding of our outer world;

  • celebration and connection, to encourage meaningful interactions within and without;

  • manifestation and contribution, to encourage meaningful impact within and without.

Some of the practices might be related to reiki, ayurveda, or yoga, but they are not restricted to reiki, ayurveda, or yoga. For example, chakras and crystals will probably end up here because they are related to reiki, ayurveda, and yoga. Or, guided meditations and philosophical musings will probably end up here because they are not strictly reiki, ayurveda, or yoga. Recipes and rituals will probably end up here if and when they have nothing to do with reiki, ayurveda, or yoga. Herbs and flowers… gardening… arts and crafts… obscure song lyrics… maybe even good quotes and bad jokes. Forget bananas. This is turning into a fruit salad!

You can see now why I called it et cetera. All these things and more will end up in et cetera because they help me shine my light, and I want to share that light with you. I hope these practices help you listen to your inner voice. I hope these practices help you hear the voice of the universe. I hope these practices help you celebrate your life and manifest your dreams. I hope you find joy and wonder in et cetera.

And by the way, “I was dreaming when I wrote this. Forgive me if it goes astray.”[3]


[1] Prince and The Revolution, “Let’s Go Crazy,” recorded August 1983, Warner Bros., track 1 on Purple Rain, 1984. 

[2] Peter Prevos, “Prince and the Purple Banana: Meaning of Let’s Go Crazy,” horizonofreason.com, revised July 10, 2020, https://horizonofreason.com/culture/purple-banana/.

[3] Prince, “1999,” recorded July 1982, Warner Bros., track 1 on 1999, 1982. (Had to check this one too? Do I need to make you a mixtape?)


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